Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

I hope that all my Canadian buddies had an awesome holiday weekend. I think that ours was nice. We stayed home for a change which was quiet and a bit more relaxing. I made supper on Sunday so that we (mostly I) could enjoy turkey sandwiches all day Monday. Mmmm. I even had one for breakfast. I think I have an unnatural obsession with turkey sandwiches but they're just so darn good.

We managed to get most of the yard work done too which makes us feel better. Everyday it feels like are living on borrowed time before the snow flies so it's nice knowing that everything is put away and the yard is mostly cleaned up. Alek even pitched in with the leaf raking which was nice. He's definitely reaching the age where everything is a struggle and he's hard-done-by. In his mind anyway. Mikah took the van for a spin while we raked. Oh, the places he went! He's obsessed with cars, school buses and dogs. The look of pure joy he gets when he is left to "drive" the van is awesome. Lukas had a sleep in the stroller. All the hard work exhausted him!

We even had a visit with Heather who came Friday and went to the farm on Sunday morning. We had plans to sew purses but after a fun Friday night out and a Costco trip on Saturday we were to spent to get much done. An excuse for another get-together! Maybe next time I'll have to go and see her though and we might actually get something done. But then again...
Oh, but I did manage to get started on the next big batch of slipper sewing. Yay me!

"Yep. Sure looks like a good crop of leaves this year."

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