Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kale Chips

Now here is a recipe that I am going to have to try tonight. Hopefully it will help alleviate the chip craving that has been taking over my life lately. Kale has to be healthier right???

Kale Chips
(can be served to kids 10+ mos)

2 bunches of kale, torn into 1-2″ pieces*
2 tbsp olive oil
course sea salt

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Toss kale in the oil until thoroughly coated. (I do this in a ziploc bag, that way everything gets a nice coat and there is no mess.

2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place kale on sheet in a single layer and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

3. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes, until crispy. Enjoy.
~ You can use spinach instead of kale and it's just as good, and maybe cheaper.~

Sunday, March 29, 2009


It's not good when you have a two year old that can manage to break into any type of medicine container. And can scale the shelves to get to it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Baby Blue Steel

I came across this photo of Mikah today from when he was going through his "Blue Steel" phase. So funny, and so hard to picture now LOL!

Monday, March 23, 2009

New Blinds

When you're feeling crafty
This is what you do;
buy a set of mini blinds,
a meter of fabric or two,
and don't forget the glue!

I have been wanting roman blinds for my kitchen for quite awhile now, but had been unable to find either the right size or pre-made blinds in a fabric/pattern that I didn't hate. I realize that I could have sewn some, but that would have taken time that I didn't have to devote to the project. Then the other day I stumbled across this idea and my dream looked that much closer. (Thank you, thank you, thank you Jenny for the amazing tutorial!)

Here's the pictorial progress of my no-sew roman blinds. It too about an hour and a half from start to finish for 2 blinds. The second blind only took about 1/2 an hour, so it would be possible to turn out quite a few of these babies once you got on a roll.

Mini-blind skeleton (I left every ninth blind)

After the fabric was glued on. Make sure you glue it to the right side of the blinds LOL!



Happy 1st Birthday Lukas!

Lukas turned one on March 19th! It's hard to believe just how fast the last year has went and how much our baby has grown. Even though he will always be a baby to me LOL! He had a typical 1st birthday; cake was demolished, presents were ignored, boxes were played in, baby was played out.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Canad'a Next Top Model

Here is it... Alek modeling once again. He was much more comfortable on the stage this year. It makes me wonder what next year will bring; as he sure does like to get the laughs.

Overheard from the Back of the Van

Two little boys singing along with their favorite song.

"Uh Uh OH" (Single Ladies)

Mikah and Lukas just love to sing to this song and they recognize it as soon as the first beats play. It's so cute because they just sing "UH UH OH" all throughout the song.

It makes me smile even on the grouchiest of mornings.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

This will show you that Veggie Tales is appropriate for any occasion. Please, have a Guinness (or six) for me!

Hmm, well, I can't get the video to work so click on the link and the interweb will magically whisk you there on the wings of an Irish faerie. Or something like that.

Interesting Supper

The verdict is in, and supper was alright. The polenta was delicious; as usual. The chicken, sugar snap peas and bean sprouts were yummy and the sauce was alright. Unfortunately we all found the sauce had a bit too much peanut butter which made the overall taste a bit distracting. I wonder if it would be better if it was cut with some coconut milk. Because seriously, what isn't better with coconut milk??? 

I was mostly worried about the polenta/satay combo when I heard about his plan, but it was quite good. Lev has encouraged me to look outside the polenta and spaghetti sauce box.

Polenta and WHAT???

Lev said that for supper tonight he is going to make polenta and chicken satay. Um; OK. Sounds weird so I'll be back with the verdict later. 


My Model

Alek strutted his stuff once again this year in the fashion show portion of our fundraiser. He did a great job and he's looking pretty comfortable on the stage that's for sure. I have video which I was going to upload right now, but can't seem to find my camera cord (again). So, it looks like you'll just have to wait a bit longer.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Barb is Still in the Building... somewhere

I haven't been around much in the last little while. There is simply not enough time in the day sometimes. Life around here sure has a way of keeping us hopping. Last week Alek had his first stripe test in Tae Kwon Do; which he passed. Yay Alek!!! Our evenings were almost non-existent because he had lessons 3 times during the week. But it's helped him so much that we don't mind the time that it takes.

Yesterday was our major fundraiser at work. Time is always scarce as the event draws near. But it's now over and everything seemed to run smoothly. Although, I must admit that it felt like I didn't really pull my weight this year. But, after putting myself into labour a month early over it last year; I'm afraid that I don't really care. So... HA!

Plus, my brother is back for another 2 months. Our house is small with 3 adults in it that's for sure. One person to cook for; one more person to clean up after; one more person to drive me crazy. Awesome.

I always seem to have so much to do! I'm thinking that I'm going to have to take this Thursday as a personal day just to get caught up and bake a cake for Lukas' first birthday. Hmm, a 4 day weekend sure gives me something to look forward to this week. It even put a smile on my face!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Do you ever feel like you just can't catch a break? Alek has been sick for the last few days, Lukas just came down with a cold, and a possible ear infection and I woke up with the dreaded stuffed nose and sore throat. Yuck! I am so sick of everyone here being sick all the time. It feels like we're lucky if we get a weeks reprieve between illnesses. Maybe the kids need to wear Hazmat suits and get de-contaminated every time they come home.

Grrr, and I had big sewing plans for today and all I want to do is lay on the couch. I wonder if I will actually get any of it done???

Maybe the smell of the cabbage rolls that I have simmering away in the crock-pot will help inspire me. If nothing else, supper will be delicious!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not Such Good Times

I did not have the best luck last night.

  1. I was feeling too drained to go to pilates (which sucks, but I just couldn't make it there.)
  2. Mikah kicked me in the nose. Hard. It still hurts, but thankfully I don't have black eyes, which I get easily.
  3. I was carrying Lukas down to bed and I fell down the stairs. One minute we were walking, and the next we were in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. Thank god he was OK, but I sprained my big toe on my left foot and really bruised/strained my right foot.

I'm feeling sorry for myself. Just call me gimpy-hop-along.

I better feel better by tomorrow because I am planning on taking the kids at school sledding. And if you know how I feel about sledding...

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Project

This is going to be my newest sewing project. AFTER I finish about 3 dozen slippers LOL! Carmen and I are gearing up for the baby Crawl sale as well as a couple others so I have to get the slippers done or we will be lacking size 1's and 2's.
Anywho... I've been looking everywhere for some good cloth training pants with no luck. The only ones I've been able to find are huge and baggy. This time around I really want to try and avoid the pull-up route as much as possible. Maybe if Mikah can actually feel when he gets wet the process might be sped up some. Since I can't find any I'll just have to make my own. So, I just bought this pattern

and I'll adapt them into training pants by lining them in terry and maybe putting in a layer of PUL. I think they are going to be really cute and I can't wait to get started!