Monday, March 23, 2009

New Blinds

When you're feeling crafty
This is what you do;
buy a set of mini blinds,
a meter of fabric or two,
and don't forget the glue!

I have been wanting roman blinds for my kitchen for quite awhile now, but had been unable to find either the right size or pre-made blinds in a fabric/pattern that I didn't hate. I realize that I could have sewn some, but that would have taken time that I didn't have to devote to the project. Then the other day I stumbled across this idea and my dream looked that much closer. (Thank you, thank you, thank you Jenny for the amazing tutorial!)

Here's the pictorial progress of my no-sew roman blinds. It too about an hour and a half from start to finish for 2 blinds. The second blind only took about 1/2 an hour, so it would be possible to turn out quite a few of these babies once you got on a roll.

Mini-blind skeleton (I left every ninth blind)

After the fabric was glued on. Make sure you glue it to the right side of the blinds LOL!



1 comment:

Wendy said...

Thanks for the pictures.....I saw the little green notebook post a while back and bought the fabric (a vertical stripe, too!), but have been procrastinating. Your pics and seemingly good experience will give me just the push I needed to get going on mine. THANKS!