Thursday, May 7, 2009

Amy Butler

A few weeks ago Lev and I took a much needed night off. My brother kindly watched the kiddos and we went out for supper and then meandered our way around the city. Eventually we ended up at the married-for-a-long-time-with-kids destination, Walmart. Don't cringe, you've been there too.

It was quite nice, we were able to glide carefree from one aisle to the next without the mandatory shouts and demands of, "when are we going to look at the toys," "me want," and "I'm hungry, can I get a snack." Although, Lev and I were both guilty of peppering the conversation with those comments more than once. We were just being funny though.
It was on this night that I spied it. In the craft aisle (where my cart generally never makes it). Amy Butler paper packs. Ah, bliss. I have a strange love affair with Amy Butler. I love her fabrics (none of which I have), and her patterns (also, none of which I have). To be fair though, if our local fabric store carried any Amy Butler fabrics I would own some. I haven't embraced buying fabric online yet and probably won't for some time yet. I need to feel the fabric.
However, the things that I could do with a couple of her paper packs! It's funny, because I've recently found so many paper craft projects that I've been dying to try.

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