After just posting about how exhausted I am, can you believe that I am posting this picture...
Isn't this little bunny sweet? Don't you want one? I do! I've been trying to figure out the logistics for building a hutch and wondering where/how we would keep the rabbit.
I've been giving this a lot of thought.
It's scaring me.
1 comment:
I just found your blog and am well aware of just how old or possibly forgotten this entry may be yet I have to chime in anyway.
Bunnies make AWESOME pets for small children.
They can be corner litter trained with little to no effort (but that doesn't mean you won't get the occasional bunny poops on the floor-- still less messy than any other animal poops)
If played with daily, (as any family pet should be) will happily tolerate gentle and excessive kid attention such as being lugged around. If not played with often and lovingly, can go a bit wild and reclusive thereby making it mom's bunny as it is re-socialized (thanks housesitter, grr).
If given plenty of time for exercise (ours has free range rights over the house much like the cats) it doesn't need a fancy or expensive hutch. Ours actually lives in a cozy plastic tub (color coded to match our daughter's room) with holes drilled to hold it's water bottle and stick treats. When he wants in he heads that way and when he wants out he gets really jumpy.
We actually did have play the $$$ for a really nice hutch in the begining thinking we'd pad the top and make a charming addition to our daughters room. Great idea, baaad idea when faced with reality of the situation. First you have to buy a specially formulated chemical to clean any urine off the flooring (but even then wood hutches tend to absorb the urine smell)it's poops (daughter's term) will manage to find their way out of the wire pannels on the doors and onto your child's floor along with copious amounts of it's favored bedding material. You can cover the pannels with a mesh fabric but if your chosen bunny is like ours, it'll pull them off within a week no matter how safely or securely you mounted them in.
Also I'd suggest a nail grooming device such a the peticure because if left unattended, a bunny's nails get really, really long and sharp.
In the end though, our bunny requires no more work or effort in maintence and upkeep than our god-like cats who thinkfully believe the bunny is just a really weird looking cat.
1 comment:
I just found your blog and am well aware of just how old or possibly forgotten this entry may be yet I have to chime in anyway.
Bunnies make AWESOME pets for small children.
They can be corner litter trained with little to no effort (but that doesn't mean you won't get the occasional bunny poops on the floor-- still less messy than any other animal poops)
If played with daily, (as any family pet should be) will happily tolerate gentle and excessive kid attention such as being lugged around. If not played with often and lovingly, can go a bit wild and reclusive thereby making it mom's bunny as it is re-socialized (thanks housesitter, grr).
If given plenty of time for exercise (ours has free range rights over the house much like the cats) it doesn't need a fancy or expensive hutch. Ours actually lives in a cozy plastic tub (color coded to match our daughter's room) with holes drilled to hold it's water bottle and stick treats. When he wants in he heads that way and when he wants out he gets really jumpy.
We actually did have play the $$$ for a really nice hutch in the begining thinking we'd pad the top and make a charming addition to our daughters room. Great idea, baaad idea when faced with reality of the situation. First you have to buy a specially formulated chemical to clean any urine off the flooring (but even then wood hutches tend to absorb the urine smell)it's poops (daughter's term) will manage to find their way out of the wire pannels on the doors and onto your child's floor along with copious amounts of it's favored bedding material. You can cover the pannels with a mesh fabric but if your chosen bunny is like ours, it'll pull them off within a week no matter how safely or securely you mounted them in.
Also I'd suggest a nail grooming device such a the peticure because if left unattended, a bunny's nails get really, really long and sharp.
In the end though, our bunny requires no more work or effort in maintence and upkeep than our god-like cats who thinkfully believe the bunny is just a really weird looking cat.
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