Monday, December 28, 2009

Anti-Viral Tea and a Little Christmas

The kids and I have been have been fighting off a cold since the beginning of October. It never seems to fully go away, and I am so tired of snotty noses and night time coughs that I could just scream. I'm always willing to try something natural, so my sister-in-law told me about some horrid sounding tea made with ginger, cayene pepper, garlic, lemon juice... need I go on?

I did manage to buy the supplies but never got around to actually making the tea. I honestly don't think that I could have managed to drink it. So I went on the hunt for something similar and I found this... (here)

Strong Anti-Viral Tea
Step One
One cup of peeled, chopped and minced fresh ginger

10 cups of water
Step Two

Apple cider (1/2 cup per serving)

Lemon juice

Peel and mince the ginger (a food processor makes little work of this job).
Simmer the minced ginger in 10 cups of water for an hour or so. Strain.

When ready to have a serving place 1/2 cup of the strained ginger water in a pan with 1/2
cup of apple cider and a squirt or two of lemon juice. Heat and serve.

Ginger is fantastic and treats so many things. Fortunately this tea tastes great, which will definately encourage me to drink it for a ginger lover I am not.

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