Monday, March 29, 2010

Their Baack...

Disgusting moths! In case I haven't shared this yet, all it takes is a moth sighting to send my body into convulsions, my feet running in the opposite direction and my arms over my head as if to protect myself from an incoming missile. Oh, and I scream. I can't help it. Everything about their disgusting furry bodies and lifeless-grey wings makes me feel faint. I literally break out into a sweat if I am the only adult at home, and therefore must attempt to kill the creatures myself.

Ugh. They crunch when you hit them with a rolled up newspaper; or a broom (I can't get too close, they might touch me).

We're having a pretty good wind here tonight and it caught the screen door and was swinging it wildly around. I raced down the stairs to shut it before the sound woke my sleeping angels (whom I don't want to have to see until morning). I grabbed the door and pulled it shut only to see about 6 moths hanging onto the window. They were smiling demonic smiles at me. I'm sure of it. Sleeping kids be darned, I slammed that door and raced back up the stairs. Hey, I didn't scream though; that's pretty amazing for me. Just ask my Mr. if you don't believe me. Or any member of my family. It's really quite pathetic to witness. The snow hasn't even all melted yet. Gross, gross, gross.


Taylor Swim said...

I feel your pain sister! Here in Wisconsin we have Asian Beetles and I hate hate hate them. They are everywhere. Although I hate spiders a really lot more. Once I trapped one under a dish and waited until the mister came home just so I wouldn't have to kill it myself.

Barb said...

Ew! Don't even get me started on beetles; they crunch worse than moths. Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

how about cockroaches.... my skin is crawling....


Barb said...

LOL! Rest easy, you won't have to deal with them here. Just moths, spruce bugs, tree worms, yuck!