Friday, April 19, 2013

Possum Thanksgivin Photo Shoot

True to form, the sharing of these photo's is better late than never.

Over Thanksgiving the family staged an impromptu photo shoot out on the folks farm. I believe that the original goal of the photos was to share them with our relatives who thought they were living it up in Hawaii at the time - we hads to show them what they was missin :)

The end result was so gosh-durn amazin though that we had to share them with everyone. The response was great, it sure showed us the people who share our sense of humour and have the ability to not take things too seriously. I haven't looked at some of these photos in a few months, but they sure had me smiling tonight.

~Please note, these pictures were taken in the spirit of fun. As such,
no possums, chitlin, or varmints were harmed during the shooting
of these photos. Also note, shooting refers to the click of the camera.~

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