Friday, August 22, 2008

Lovely Afternoon

Yesterday the boys and I met up with a friend of mine and her golden dog for a walk by the river. It was so nice and now I have a new favorite spot in this beautiful city of ours. The sun was shining and there was just enough breeze to keep the bugs at bay and the sweat from flowing. I finally got to see how the new stroller did off-roading and it handled wonderfully. We tested it on the path, through the wild grass, down rutted trails, up and down steep hills, and through the softest finest white sand that I've seen in years. After all our walking we ended up on a secluded beach that felt like the middle of no where, even though there were cars driving by on the other bank. The kids played, the dog swam, and the baby slept.

It was beautiful; peaceful; memories were made.

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