Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cupcake Courier

My cupcakes can now travel in style! Up until tonight my cupcakes have had to brave pampers boxes, cupcake pans, paper box lids, shoe boxes and more to get to their destination in one piece. I never bought one of the Wilton carriers because, seriously, who ever just takes a dozen cupcakes? Not me, that's for sure!
Tonight at HomeSense I found this... The Cupcake Courier.
It holds 36 iced cupcakes! Three dozen cupcakes is definately how I roll.

In case you are wondering; yes, I do have something special planned for it's virgin voyage in the next couple of days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome - damn. I can't believe i haven't yet made it to that store... ah well, you can bring me cupcakes any time:)
